Connect to Counselors
- Connect with a CounselorOver 170 counselors available to help you succeed!
- Counseling Callback QueueDuring Office hours
- MyEdPlanYour education planning tool. Available 24/7. Submit ed plan for review by a counselor.
- Degrees and CertificatesBy Areas of Interest
- Get Ready for TransferThere is a reason why we are #1 in Transfers!
Meet with Counselors Regularly
There is a reason why SMC is #1 in transfers. We have the largest network of counselors in the state!
Over 170 Counselors to Help YOU!
Counselors will help you identify the best pathway to achieve your goal. They are well connected when it comes to resources and transfer.
Here are some things to keep in mind:
- SMC is #1 among California Community Colleges in the number of counselors available to assist students like you.
We count with over 25 unique counseling programs to assist you.
- If you are a new college student, go to the Welcome Center to assistance.
If you have previously taken college courses (not while in high school), go to the Transfer/Counseling Center.
Meet with a counselor immediately after you complete your English and Math Assessment tests and your Online Orientation to discuss your educational goals. The counselor will help you develop an ed plan to get you started. Meet with a counselor at least once per term, but more often is highly recommended.
Use MyEdPlan to develop and update your education plan.
Your education plan will show you exactly what courses you need and the order in which you need to take them.
Identify your goal (e.g., transfer, degree, certificate, entering the workplace) and discuss with a counselor how to best achieve it in the least time possible.
Work to identify the best major for you by the end of your first year.
- Do take elective courses, but don't overdo it. Taking many "unnecessary" courses will delay your goal progress. Remember: momentum is key!