Stay on Track
Reaching your goals
is our goal too!
- Take a moment - review & plan
Classroom Success

▶️ How to Get Studying Help
▶️ 5 Tips to Improve Your Studying
Contact your Instructor early, especially in difficult subjects, it can make all the difference.
Ask them:
- Areas you can improve
- Prep tips for quizzes/exams
- Additional resources for help
Check your syllabus for contact information and for office hours!
Don't wait until the last minute, spaces fill up quick.
- Login to Corsair Connect
- Click on the yellow "Tutoring Appointments" button
Consider taking a Counseling course that specializes in:
- Learning Skills
- Career Planning
- Transfer Planning
- Student Success
Use the Searchable Schedule to look for Counseling courses!
Additional Courses

When planning your classes, make sure they:
- Are part of your major
- Are part of your GE requirements
- Are transferable to your goals
Review your MyEdPlan frequently!
At SMC, you can earn multiple degrees and certificates...
...and you might be closer than you think!
- Some courses will work in multiple areas
- Some certificates are almost the same as your major
Ways to check:
- Create an additional MyEdPlan
- Meet with a counselor
- View course requirements
Think of it this way...
...you need 60 applicable units for a degree.
- That's 30 per year
- Or, 15 per major term
Taking the right units helps you:
- Graduate on time
- Save money
- Start your next goal sooner!
Talk to a counselor to see how to balance your goals with your day to day needs!
Future Planning

Each degree and/or certificate requires its own petition.
Here are some important things to check:
- Petition open and close dates
- You are enrolled in your last courses for eligibility
- Any transfer units or credit have been sent to SMC
Places to get help:
- Graduation website has links and info
- Counselors can check your progress
- Admissions has received other credit work
Participating in a workshop early is one of the best ways to plan ahead!
Transfer Workshops
Specialty Workshops
Special AOI Events
Request a recording so that you don't miss out on the presentation!
- Art Schools Panel (Fall 2024)
- Associate Degree for Transfer: A Degree with a Guarantee! (Spring 2024)
- Columbia University(Spring 2025)
- Common Application (Winter 2025)
- CSU Application (Fall 2024)
- Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) (Spring 2024)
- How to Transfer to CSUN & other CSUs (Spring 2024)
- How to Transfer to LMU (Fall 2024)
- How to Transfer to UCLA & other UCs (Fall 2024)
- I'm Admitted! Next Steps for Transfer (Financial Aid, Housing, etc.) (Spring 2024)
- Nursing: The Transfer Option (Spring 2024)
- PIQ - Personal Insight Questions (Fall 2024)
- Show Me The Money! How to Pay for your Bachelor's Degree (Spring 2024)
- Transfer Admission Guaranteed "TAG" Programs (Fall 2024)
- Transferring to an Ivy League School (Spring 2024)
- UC Application (Fall 2024)
General Counseling and Transfer Services Center
Don't forget to check out our great resources dedicated to graduating and transfering!