Food Security
SMC is full of resources, both on and off campus. We always feed those in need.

Any currently enrolled student is welcome to come by during operating hours and receive non-perishable food items, fresh produce, and toiletries.
To go to Bodega, all students must complete the following:
- Prior to arriving on campus, you must complete the COVID-19 symptom survey on SMC GO.
- Upon arrival to campus, all parties must wear masks.
- You must provide photo ID (SMC student ID, Driver's License, passport, etc.) and have your student ID number ready.
- Students must register for parking permits (free for Fall semester) to park on campus in parking structure 3 or 4, so please plan accordingly. Students who park in staff lots will be subjected to parking tickets.
- Bags will not be provided (so make sure to bring your own bags!

This project is made possible by the SMC Foundation and their partnership with Everytable and Bento. The delivery area covers most of Los Angeles County.
To be eligible, students must email foodsecurity@smc.edu to provide their student ID number and residential address for verification and eligibility.

You may be eligible for up to $192 per month in CalFresh benefits! Students and non-students can apply online at getcalfresh.org
Individual assistance with the application may be scheduled with our Cal-Fresh specialist on Mondays and Wednesdays. To schedule an appointment, please email foodsecurity@smc.edu.
There may be additional considerations for international students, so we recommend consulting with SMC food security staff before applying.