On-Campus Protocols
If you're experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, please stay home and get tested.
Indoor Masks Not Required
While SMC will not be requiring or enforcing indoor masking except for within the Student Health Center, the college strongly recommends masking indoors and in crowded spaces both indoors and outdoors (for example, at fairs and other such social events) where social distancing is not possible. Surgical masks and hand sanitizer will be made available in all high-traffic areas such as the Student Services Center and the Cafeteria.
Facemasks continue to be available across campus, including the Student Services Center, Health Center, Library, and classrooms. You can also find hand sanitizer.
Testing Locations
Contact Tracing
SHS will notify all close contacts by phone and in writing within 24 hours of a known COVID-19 exposure. Individuals will be notified to quarantine for the required timeframe according to the CDC as well as provide information on what it means to quarantine and information on COVID-19. Student Health Services will assess for supports that can assist while the individual is quarantining, so they can access food, etc.
Testing of students, faculty, staff, and visitors: All individuals who have been exposed or who are symptomatic are provided information on where to get tested, as well as encouraged to contact their primary care provider for Testing information is available on SMC’s website, which also links to local county free testing. Testing is also available at SMC’s Airport Campus.